Super simple summer supper strategy

If today isn’t International Potato Salad Day, it should be. This is, after all,  the perfect time of year for simple meals, made with fresh, basic ingredients. And what could be more basic than a potato? Just because it’s pedestrian doesn’t mean it needs to be plain, though. Here’s my tip for adding some sizzle to your spud salad. Start by peeling and then cubing half a dozen medium-sized potatoes. Put them in a fry pan with fairly deep sides. Instead of using water, cover them with beef broth (vegetable broth if you are Vegan or Vegetarian).

Cook for about eight minutes and then test with a fork. You want them to have a bit of firmness left, so don’t overboil and let them get mushy. Drain the potatoes over the pan, returning the stock to the pan. Reduce the stock by letting it boil gently for 20 minutes or so. (It should look syrupy) Let cool. Strain into a small bowl.

Make a vinaigrette using mustard, and one part reduced stock to three parts olive oil.  Chop a handful black olives  and thinly sliced green onions. Toss ingredients together, and then add enough of the vinaigrette to coat – but not soak – the potatoes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serving suggestion: This recipe works nicely with barbecued corn and Caprese salad (tomato, Bocconcini cheese, fresh basil and oil.








Vicky Sanderson

A self-confessed Opinion-ista, Vicky Sanderson has been writing and talking about décor, design and lifestyle issues for almost two decades, and has tested just about every home product known to humankind.

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