After Meatless Monday, Tuesday Tip Time looks ahead to Waste Not Wednesday

Strawberry smoothie with reusable straw.
Tip for saving money and food waste wih smoothie blender, yogurt and frozen fruit on green striped tablecloth
Add a little water to a yogurt containers that’s almost empty

It’s increasingly clear that not only do we humans  waste a lot, but that we’re not very good about cleaning up the mess we make – at least here in Canada, that is.

Instead of launching into a rant about it (which would be hypocritical, as I’m still working on mending my own wasteful ways), I’ll offer a tip I’ve learned over my almost-thirty years as a thrifty home cook.

Ready? It’s so simple! Always use a splash liquid of some sort to get the last dregs of food out of a squeeze bottle or plastic container.

If it’s ketchup,  add a quarter cup of water, stock, or even  wine. Use it to flavour a stir fry, soup, sauce or to cook grains like rice, couscous, quinoa, or barley.

If it’s yogurt, spill some milk, juice, or water in the tub, close the lid and give it a good shake. Add that to a smoothie, oatmeal, or cold cereal with fruit.

Mustard finished? Take the lid off, add a combination of one part vinegar to three parts oil, pop in some crushed garlic and/or other herbs and give it a good shake after putting the lid back on. Now you’ve got a vinaigrette that will last for days.

Tip for saving money and food waste wih smoothie blnder,
Close the lid and give it a good shake, then add to smoothie recipe.

Do you used prepared boxed stock? Before throwing out the empty carton, swish a little water in and add the remains to whatever it is you’re cooking. Do the same with cans of tomato or tomato sauce, and use the liquid the next day to cook grains, or to add to soup or pasta sauce.

Sure, it’s a little thing – but little things add up to less food waste.

Every good recycler knows that cleaning out food containers properly is key to the process of reclaiming materials.

According to the recycling services of Toronto, where I’m writing this, containers with leftover food are one of the most common blue-bin sins; food residue soaks into paper and renders it  unrecyclable. That’s a real waste.

There’s another benefit to keeping food waste out of the recycling bin that will be top of mind for many right now – it will mean less chance of getting ants in the house.

Salads composed of complimentary leftovers are a healthy way to reduce food waste.

Like many pests, the type of ants you get may be particular to your geography. In Vancouver, Canada, for example, pesky types can include Carpenter ants (brown, black or red and black and about one and a half centimetres long) who dig wood structures to make their nests, Pavement ants (about three millimetres long and brown), they like to live under garage floors or baseboards, and Pharaoh ants (yellow, between one to three millimetres) who are fond of curtain rods and roof gravel.

Ants come into the home to get food and water. That’s why they especially like kitchens and bathrooms. If you have an ant problem in the bathroom, check right way both the bathtub and toilet for leaks, and tightly screw caps on body care products.

Use up fresh, dried, or frozen fruit in muffins. Don’t forget to clean up the crumbs:)


If you’re one of those poor unfortunates who has Entomophobia, a phobia of insects, and particularly if you are plagued with the specific  fear that an ant will crawl into your ear, British Columbia-based Avon Pest Control has some re-assuring words.

They say that while it’s technically possible for an ant to march right in there, it is highly, highly unlikely—unless you have food in your ear.

In which case, Dear Reader, wash your ears.




This is a collaborative post. It was not reviewed prior to publication.





Vicky Sanderson

A self-confessed Opinion-ista, Vicky Sanderson has been writing and talking about décor, design and lifestyle issues for almost two decades, and has tested just about every home product known to humankind.

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